I wouldn't know....
Never been to Maryland.
(nice perception)
someone on another forum was asking.."why is lust a sin"?.
like they knew the universal definition of the word or something,.. if i want something like a beer...is that "lust"?
if so is it a sin to "want" something?.
I wouldn't know....
Never been to Maryland.
(nice perception)
someone on another forum was asking.."why is lust a sin"?.
like they knew the universal definition of the word or something,.. if i want something like a beer...is that "lust"?
if so is it a sin to "want" something?.
Someone on another forum was asking.."why is lust a sin"?
Like they knew the universal definition of the word or something,.
If I want something like a beer...is that "lust"?
If so is it a sin to "want" something?
I am a little confused here.
i found an interesting book today.
i'll probably buy and read it in the next few weeks.
it points to 5 signs that a religion is evil.
Does guesses and guessers like answers or answerers?
Or are they in opposition?
Does a weapons manufacturer see peace on earth as "victory" or the "end"?
i like this quote, from page 145 of theocratic ministry school book about using other bibles.
'you must realize, however, that some bible translators have taken liberties with god's word.
their renderings may not conform in all respects to what was in the original bible languages.
Who cares what their "viewpoint" is?
Would you like mine as well?
if i was a deity and wanted people to know "the truth", i would just say it in plain language instead of veiling everything in symbolism, innuendo, and vague hints.
what does that method of communication accomplish?.
if i remember correctly, the borg answer to that is this method of communicating tricks the bad people but the good people can figure it out just fine.
Perhaps it was a nicely done trap...to see who would rise up claiming to be a guest in God's mind..for power and control over those who were honest about not knowing and having posession of secrets from God.
Or seperate the "sheep from the goats" if you will....
is this basically the the way the game is being played?
a man steps up and claims to have been given secret information from god..concerning his thoughts and wishes for us?
the man is then an authority over his less endowed brethern.
Can a perfect being effectivily communicate with imperfect ones?
It would be like a person thinking long-term explaining their actions to someone only looking at short-term.
Can God speak redneck, ghetto, politically correct, gangsta, smart ass, and translate information to each of these where they can fully understand?
Does He need a huge organization to defeat His opposers and critics? Or a little mustard seed?
What would demonstrate the strength of His power the best?
is this basically the the way the game is being played?
a man steps up and claims to have been given secret information from god..concerning his thoughts and wishes for us?
the man is then an authority over his less endowed brethern.
Is this basically the the way the game is being played?
A man steps up and claims to have been given secret information from God..concerning His thoughts and wishes for us? The man is then an authority over his less endowed brethern.
Or are they claiming to be able to read God's mind? Funny how they can figure Him out...but not figure out why people do some of the bad things they do. And these people are alive and present and can be questioned, and reveal their "truth" behind the reasons why they do what they do.
Am I missing something somewhere that makes this make any sense?
lets say youre a jw married couple, get a divorce (unscriptural divorce, that is, so in jehovahs eyes you are still married), then both of you change your minds.
well, not completely.
you both realize the sex was great but your other needs and wants have changed in opposite directions.
Did you really do anything wrong?
Or were you relying upon their judgement to tell you if you did or not?
lets say youre a jw married couple, get a divorce (unscriptural divorce, that is, so in jehovahs eyes you are still married), then both of you change your minds.
well, not completely.
you both realize the sex was great but your other needs and wants have changed in opposite directions.
Think God will hold them responsible for misleading people with their guesses and arrogance...claiming to know His thoughts and wishes...and telling others He told them in secret so they could have authority over us..rather than telling us Himself?
The word self-exaltation comes to mind.
Think that is what God wanted and planned?
lets say youre a jw married couple, get a divorce (unscriptural divorce, that is, so in jehovahs eyes you are still married), then both of you change your minds.
well, not completely.
you both realize the sex was great but your other needs and wants have changed in opposite directions.
Don't you have to know and understand the Scriptures completely before making that kind of assertion? Or rely on guesses and possibly mislead someone by telling them it is right or wrong?
Does anyone claim to have a complete understanding of God and His Bible and consider themselves qualified to tell others what He does or does not want or like? I wish I could read God's mind and know His thoughts...But that would take all the mystery out of it and nothing to search for...I will just sit back and watch as you present them to me...and accept them as His wishes unquestioningly. Is that what you want?
Get a grip.